Sunday, 17 June 2012

Blue Hills Reservation, Norfolk, MA, USA, 16-Jun-2012

10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out for what turned out to be a long walk around Blue Hills reservation, culminating in an ascent of Chickatawbut Hill, before returning back to my car which was parked just off the Chickatawbut Ro. - Rte 28 intersection.
Weather: sunny, cool; then cloudy.
25 species

Chimney Swift X - a few overhead, visible through the foliage.
Downy Woodpecker 1 female.
Eastern Wood-Pewee 3 in total; first two flew up from the Cedar Swamp, then another heard calling later.
Eastern Phoebe 1 attending to a nest within the car-park. It alighted on nearby rocks & branches between regular nest visits.
Great Crested Flycatcher 1 atop a tree next to the compound's fence on the top of the hill.
Red-eyed Vireo X - heard.
Tree Swallow X - several using nest boxes placed inside the fence of the (weather station?) compound that is on top of Chickatawbut Hill. I observed them through the fence.
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse 4 approx., including juvenile feeding party.
White-breasted Nuthatch X - 3 feeding groups including juveniles.
Eastern Bluebird 3 seen just after the warblers on the hill.
Wood Thrush 3 heard in total. First one heard from the Curve Path then two more on the way back to the car.
American Robin X
Ovenbird X - heard up to 10 in total.
Worm-eating Warbler 2 heard emitting their distinctive song. I heard the first at the first path intersection I came to from the side that has a steep rise from a boggy area. I waited a long time for it to show but it did not, however during that time I heard a second singing from further away but it didn't show either. Life-tick (sort of).
Pine Warbler X - several seen high in tree tops; indistinct yellowish undersides, notched tail.
Prairie Warbler X - heard on Skyline Path to Chickatawbut Hill from the small trees in that area. I heard the distinctive ascending song from what sounded like it was very close by, but I couldn't pick it/them out unfortunately. Life-tick (-ish).
Black-throated Green Warbler X - also heard on the Skyline to Chickatawbut Hill path, just after the prairie warbler, but again I wasn't able to pick it out from the foliage.
Eastern Towhee 4 in total; the first two were a make and female which scolded me as I walked, before I heard a couple more later.
Chipping Sparrow X - several across the area I walked including juvenile feeding parties.

Scarlet Tanager 2 in total; the first was a male flitting about the tree-tops from the Curve Path. It was unmistakable and a species I had hoped to see on the walk, so I was very pleased to see such a beautifully coloured species for the first time. As I finished the walk I saw another close to the carpark as I returned to my car, & after being drawn to it by its song.
Northern Cardinal X - as I neared the carpark.
Common Grackle X - just before reaching Chickatawbut Hill.
House Finch X
American Goldfinch 1 heard.

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