Monday, 11 June 2012

Allen's Pond--Beach Loop, Bristol, MA, USA, 10-Jun-2012

10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out almost all day roving around the Allen's pond reserve, mainly hoping to see seaside sparrows. I walked the beach loop then the Quansett trail out to Zylee Brook - to be covered in a separate submission.
A long walk with camera, no 'scope.
Weather: hot & sunny; spectacular!
25 species

Canada Goose 5 including a chick.
American Black Duck 1 female.
Common Eider X - at sea, all females.
Double-crested Cormorant X - on sea rocks.
Green Heron 1 in small reedbed next to carpark. Rusty head, steely body/wings, bright orange feet.
Turkey Vulture X - outside reserve boundaries.
Osprey 1 over marshes outside reserve boundaries.
Piping Plover X - a chick seen on the beach first, later, adults as well.
Killdeer X - the first of a few seen was doing its broken wing distraction display.
Willet X - first seen over the pond with distinctive white wing patches; later very noisy disputes were heard & I had better views as I walked along the path next to the pond. An easy life-tick.
Herring Gull X - over.
Least Tern X - several overhead making their way along the shore to a nesting colony, easy to identify due to their size. Life-tick.
Common Tern X - over.
Mourning Dove X
Tree Swallow X
American Robin X
Grey Catbird X - first seen next to thrasher.
Northern Mockingbird X - heard distantly first then a later flyby in the carpark.
Brown Thrasher 1 singing in bushes alongside the pond-side path. Very distinctive bird, it sang from atop a bush before heading into the undergrowth where it continued to sing. A mockingbird also started to sing followed by a catbird, all in a row, allowing a nice comparison of all their similar but different song styles!
Yellow Warbler 4 seen in total; first one was on bushes next to the beach, later I saw 3 flitting about the grass in the meadow next to the carpark. Easily identified, through distinctive, jewel-like all-yellow colour; a life-tick.
Song Sparrow X
Bobolink 1 male, flying from a wall along the meadow. Very distinctive plumage and song. I listened to its great voice for a wall, trying to get photos as it sallied back & forth over the meadow. Life-tick.
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
House Sparrow X

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