Sunday, 21 November 2010

Titchwell Village, Norfolk, UK, 21-Nov-2010

13:30 - 14:30
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: For a drive up the coast with Kim we stopped at the site of a reported bean goose.
Weather: dull, cold, misty & dank.
5 species

Tundra Bean-Goose 1 lone goose amongst the large pink-foot flock was picked out by various birders who had gathered to look for it. It was coloured differently & with a different jizz so though no easy task to pick it out once found it was fairly easy to identify.
Pink-footed Goose X - large flock feeding in the field.
Greater White-fronted Goose 2 also in with the pink-feet (& bean), easy to notice & identify due to their prominent white forehead which looked especially bright in the gloom.
European Robin X - field's hedgerow.
Fieldfare 30 in a flock moving around the field, mostly among the hedgerow around the fields.

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