Monday, 17 September 2012

Dunback Meadows, Middlesex, MA, USA, 16-Sep-2012

10:40 AM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out to a nearby migration hotspot that I had been reading about on Massbird.
Weather: bright, sunny & cool.
17 species (+2 other taxa)

Red-tailed Hawk 2 birds soaring together; a juvenile & a worn adult above the houses that abut the far meadow.
Mourning Dove X

Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 seen from the intersection of paths after returning from the far meadow. When I got back a couple other birders were lingering looking for warblers, so I joined them. After a while nothing showed so I moved off down the path to the east when a medium-sized bird rapidly flew straight into the top of a tree. I got my binoculars on it & could tell straight-away what it was from it long shape, white-spotted tail and yellow bill. It stayed put long enough for me to get a couple of photos before edging into the foliage & flying off. No-one else saw it but I was able to show them the photos. Life-tick.
Downy Woodpecker X - heard first then one seen on the back to the intersection.
Empidonax sp. 1 in the low shrubs alongside the path leading out to the houses on the far meadow. Didn't get long enough looks or good enough photos for a positive id.
Eastern Kingbird 2 seen in the trees alongside the Bowman Elementary school field. Distinctive & easy to identify.
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X - heard.
White-breasted Nuthatch X - heard.
Veery 1 light spotted on high chest, white all under, brown-grey, 'narrow' head, longish tail. It was high in a tall tree but flitted around quite a lot; took me a while to narrow it down to a thrush species, & the lack of any strong spots on its chest took me to veery.
American Robin X
Grey Catbird X
Pine Warbler 1 from path intersection on the way back. White vent, bright yellow.
warbler sp. 1 in the shrubs along the side of the east path. It had yellow underparts & chest, with a faint eye-ring (not a clear eye-ring), a cocked tail & a 'good' size. I thought it may have been the reported Connecticut warbler or a yellowthroat, but because it was so active I was unable to get a good long view or photos, before it flew off into deeper foliage & didn't return.
Song Sparrow 2 in low bushes near from the east intersection path.
Northern Cardinal 4 in total, the first was with the goldfinches.
House Finch 1 female or juvenile flew onto the top of a bush along the east path.
American Goldfinch 6 in the same shrubs as the flycatcher sp.

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