Sunday, 20 May 2012

Olmsted Park--Leverett Pond, Suffolk, MA, USA, 20-May-2012

1:07 PM - 4:04 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: A sunny walk around the local patch hoping for some May magic.
Weather: hot, bright & sunny; 26C.
22 species

Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 2
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Chimney Swift X
Downy Woodpecker X
Eastern Kingbird 2 at the northern end of Leverett's, they were flying around as a pair vocalising & looking like they were prospecting. Identified from distinctive plumage & shape. Life-tick.
Blue Jay X
Tree Swallow X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
American Robin X - including fledglings.
Grey Catbird 11 in total around Leverett's & Ward's Ponds.
European Starling X
American Redstart 1 female also seen near the baseball pitch. It moved rapidly through the trees towards the road, but I saw it for long enough to identify a long tail, notched & yellow; dark upper-parts; yellowish on the face & head, & white throat & underside.

Chestnut-sided Warbler 2 on the south-side of the pond. First I heard a call I had not heard before which stopped & caused me to linger. After waiting several minutes I eventually picked out one from the dense foliage at the small bridge at the southern tip of the pond. A very handsome bird with distinct plumage it foraged amongst the leaves & was joined by another before they both melted away in the sunlight. Life-tick.

Black-throated Green Warbler 1 female in the trees near to the baseball pitch. It had a yellow face, black throat & streaky back, & generally more muted than the male.
Song Sparrow X - heard.
Red-winged Blackbird X

Orchard Oriole 1 seen on the west side of the pond on the way back after walking around Ward's. Another song I hadn't heard stopped me in my tracks, but I had a difficult job finding the culprit in the tree from which it was singing. I eventually got my binoculars on a bird which was noticeably larger than a warbler but with the familiar yellow colours. It had a dark tail, light yellow body, dark throat & some darkness on the head. After reference to books after I got home & listening to the call I had recorded I identified this species & a 2nd summer bird. Apparently fairly regular as at that stage birds roam widely looking for new territory. Life-tick.

Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X - heard.
House Sparrow X

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