Tuesday, 18 May 2010

RSPB Titchwell, Norfolk, 15/05/2010

3:45 to 6:20pm. Weather: Bright & sunny, light breeze (NE).

Not that any excuse is required to visit Titchwell but reports of a stint & curlew sand drew me on a wonderful spring day.

Woodpigeon, Robin, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Wren.
Willow Warbler - heard. 
Chiffchaff - heard.

Freshwater Marshes:
Sedge Warbler, Tufted Duck, Mute Swan, Coot, Black-Headed Gull, Swift, Reed Bunting, Mallard.
Brent Goose - 7, always seems strange to see wintering wildfowl still present on a sunny spring day!
Bearded Tit - 2, up briefly flying over the reeds, plenty of 'pinging'.
Common Tern, Shelduck.
Temminck's Stint - 2, it didn't take me long to see where these secretive little birds were hiding as there was a big group of people with optics trained on a nearby island in the lagoon. Before I got to that point though I was pointed to where the pair were by a couple of wardens & got good, if distant views. I sooned joined the other group for closer views, although the birds were fairly nondescript & they crept about, staying close together, about like a couple of avian mice. I watched for a while, getting sunburnt & bitten by horseflies before heading to the beach happy with a great life tick.
Red-Crested Pochard - 1 male & 1 female), a first for me at Titchwell.
Pochard, Wigeon, Gadwall, Redshank, Avocet, Greylag Goose, Cormorant, Moorhen, Dunlin.
Wood Sandpiper - another great wader to see, amongst the more common waders.
Oystercatcher, Canada Goose, Herring Gull, Turnstone.
Little Tern - a few flying around, charisma inversely proportionate to their size.
Black-Tailed Godwit, Carrion Crow, Shoveler, Pied Wagtail, Lapwing.
Grey Plover - 3.
CURLEW SANDPIPER - 1, eventually I picked out the other species that initially lured me out, it was with the dunlins but was distinctively different with handsome russet breeding colours. A first for me in the UK.
Yellow Wagtail - 1, a bonus, it flew in & out pretty quickly but a splash of colour. A lot of people were keen to see it & were disappointed when it had apparently disappeared.
Little Ringed Plover - 1, I seemed to be seeing this bird a lot more frequently recently!
Knot - 3, again amongst the more typical waders.
Cuckooo - heard from the direction of Titchwell village.

To the beach:
Skylark - singing along the path.
Swallow - mainly zipping amongst the dunes.
Linnet- 2.

Meadow Pipit.
Sanderling - 8, along the seashore.
Great Crested Grebe - 3, at sea.
Bar-Tailed Godwit - 3, dotted along the beach amongst the oystercatchers.

Coming back:
Jackdaw, Little Egret.
Whitethroat - heard.
Marsh Harrier - 1 male.
Sand Martin - 1 over. 
Blackbird, Pheasant, Magpie.
Collared Dove - 2.

A great day with great weather & a stack of great birds, some I hoped to see & did & others that I hadn't expected to see.

64 species, one new species.

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