Variable [weather].
To Glenshee: Rook, Carrion Crow, Buzzard, Red Deer.
At Glenshee where there was much snow on the ground and the weather was very unpredictable.
Walking up a hill at Glenshee gave large numbers of Red Grouse and a single Snow Hare.
At Glenshee cafe red grouse were still easily seen.
When leaving Glenshee valley a grouse-like bird turned out to be a Red-Legged Partridge. Perhaps a bird blown off-course and very high up as it did not seem at home because it ran around the road reluctant to enter the snow, until it took fright.
To Strathardle: Kestrel near to two Mistle Thrush and later on a flock of Fieldfare were seen. No birds seen at Strathardle 'moor'.
At Loch of the Lowes:
Blue Tit - in trees.
Tufted Duck - most numerous.
Gooseander - two or three pairs.
Goldeneye - dull plumaged females/eclipse?
Mallard - half dozen pair.
Coot - half dozen solitary birds.
Pochard - two or three pairs in middle of loch.
A large congregation of gulls in various plumage also was in the centre of the loch but was too far away to distinguish individual species using binoculars (no telescope taken). Large numbers of small, dark-coloured, very vocal geese continued to fly into the middle of the loch, most likely Pink-Footed Goose.
On journey home a strange-looking bird standing in an arable field when viewed through binoculars turned out to be a Peregrine. Largish bird with dark plumage and moustaches, yellow legs and hunched standing appearance allowed identification. It flew off quickly and distinctive flight of rapid wing beats with a quick glide was characteristic.
18 species no new species.
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