Friday, 4 November 1988

Lauterbrunnen - Grutschalp - Murren, Switzerland, 04/11/1988

Quieter side of valley and surprisingly a Redwing seen at Grutschalp railway station, Chaffinch also seen.
Alpine Chough's in large flocks flying around higher slopes.
Coniferous forests alive with feeding tits and finches although none identified till later.
Whilst resting a Treecreeper appeared and climbed up a nearby tree. Also a Nutcracker fewl overhead. Now tits could be identified revealing Crested Tit and Coal Tit.
Still resting a peculiar musical call was heard. Heard again, a large black bird undulated through trees uttering fluty call. Through trees it seemed to be a Black Woodpecker. Stalked towards it and gained cloer views which proved the bird to be a Black Woodpecker, a new bird.
Two fighting Ravens raced into view throating their distinctive calls.
Whilst resting, tree-tops revealed a Greenfinch feeding amongst the pines with other unidentified finches.
Walking through a shaded part of the slopes a peculiar 'whooshing' and gobbling call attracted us to the slope above. Obviously a game bird and after climbing up the slope to hope to get a glimpse of the elusive bird a dull female bird shot from the foliage. Impossible to tell which species in the brief moments it was seen. After extensive reference to books it was probably a Black Grouse rather than a Capercaillie because of song, which is quite distinctive.
A flock of thrushes flew past and as well as Redwings a few Fieldfares were also identified. More feeding tits in coniferous trees this time a Goldcrest also seen.
Near to Murren at Allmendhubel a greenish bird was seen in tree and after getting closer a red bird also came into view. Unmistakeable bill identified them as Crossbills.
Carrion Crows were also seen on lower slopes.

15 species seen including 1 new species.

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