2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: With Kim for a North Shore drive, stopping off a hotspot for a specific species.
Weather: overcast, misty, cold.
8 species
Mallard X
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Ruddy Duck X
American Coot X - several on the pond amongst the duck. An easy life-tick.
Herring Gull 30 +
Iceland Gull 1 first winter bird, picked out after searching through the other gulls. It had been reported for several days & it was a great gull to pick up. It floated on the water preening then eventually took off. A life-tick.
Great Black-backed Gull 10 +
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Saturday, 31 December 2011
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Duxbury Beach, Plymouth, MA, USA, 29-Dec-2011
9:25 AM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
6.0 mile(s)
Comments: A first visit to a promising site lured by steady reports of snowy owls. It ended up being a very long but worthwhile walk at a beautiful location.
Weather: bright & sunny; very cold.
25 species
Brent Goose 12 +
Canada Goose 5
Common Eider 11 initially from Powder Point Bridge, 10 females, 1 male. More at sea later.
Surf Scoter 3 initially 2 males, 1 female. More at sea throughout the day.
White-winged Scoter X
Black Scoter 2
Long-tailed Duck 14 or more; after spotting one I then saw several, & kept on seeing them.
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Red-throated Diver X
Great Northern Diver X
Slavonian Grebe 2
Red-necked Grebe 2 close to each, close enough to shore to pick out size & larger yellow bill. A life-tick.
Northern Gannet 2 briefly over the 'horizon' of the bank between the beach & the road. Distinctively large, white pointed wings with black tips.
Sanderling 15 + in flock along shoreline.
Dunlin 2 in with the sanderlings.
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Black Guillemot 1 at sea; a pale bird with bright red legs as it rolled round.
Rock Dove 8 feral pigeons on the bridge.
Snowy Owl 1 picked up on the grass next to Duxbury Bay. I had looked at every decent-sized white bird all day which had all been gulls. But the persistence paid off as this one turned out to be the day's target species. I had good fews as it sat serenely, dipping it's head down every so often, maybe eating something. It then apparently finished, flapped once & settled again. I was able to point it out to another passing birder before I headed off after 30 minutes, leaving it where it was.
American Crow 1
Savannah Sparrow (Ipswich) 6 approx. on the roadside scrub. Confirmed as 'Ipswich Sparrows' from Massbird emails as being in the area. Paler than the generic species.
Northern Cardinal 1 female on some seaside scrub.
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Protocol: Traveling
6.0 mile(s)
Comments: A first visit to a promising site lured by steady reports of snowy owls. It ended up being a very long but worthwhile walk at a beautiful location.
Weather: bright & sunny; very cold.
25 species
Brent Goose 12 +
Canada Goose 5
Common Eider 11 initially from Powder Point Bridge, 10 females, 1 male. More at sea later.
Surf Scoter 3 initially 2 males, 1 female. More at sea throughout the day.
White-winged Scoter X
Black Scoter 2
Long-tailed Duck 14 or more; after spotting one I then saw several, & kept on seeing them.
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Red-throated Diver X
Great Northern Diver X
Slavonian Grebe 2
Red-necked Grebe 2 close to each, close enough to shore to pick out size & larger yellow bill. A life-tick.
Northern Gannet 2 briefly over the 'horizon' of the bank between the beach & the road. Distinctively large, white pointed wings with black tips.
Sanderling 15 + in flock along shoreline.
Dunlin 2 in with the sanderlings.
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Black Guillemot 1 at sea; a pale bird with bright red legs as it rolled round.
Rock Dove 8 feral pigeons on the bridge.
Snowy Owl 1 picked up on the grass next to Duxbury Bay. I had looked at every decent-sized white bird all day which had all been gulls. But the persistence paid off as this one turned out to be the day's target species. I had good fews as it sat serenely, dipping it's head down every so often, maybe eating something. It then apparently finished, flapped once & settled again. I was able to point it out to another passing birder before I headed off after 30 minutes, leaving it where it was.
American Crow 1
Savannah Sparrow (Ipswich) 6 approx. on the roadside scrub. Confirmed as 'Ipswich Sparrows' from Massbird emails as being in the area. Paler than the generic species.
Northern Cardinal 1 female on some seaside scrub.
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duxbury beach,
new species,
Monday, 26 December 2011
Apponagansett Beach & Bay inc. Knowles Beach & Marsh, Bristol, MA, USA, 26-Dec-2011
8:25 AM - 9:25 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: A quick look over the bay with the telescope.
Weather: bright & sunny, cold & windy (E).
14 species
Brent Goose 3 in harbour.
Canada Goose 6
American Black Duck 10 on Knowles marsh.
Mallard 4 on Knowles marsh.
Common Eider 7
Bufflehead 6 +
Hooded Merganser 8 on Knowles marsh amongst black duck. 1 male, 7 female.
Red-breasted Merganser 20 +
Red-throated Diver 20 total, with 17 in a tight raft just off the corner marsh. The most I've seen in one go.
Northern Harrier 1 ring-tail, across water & into backyards.
Bonaparte's Gull 20 approx., fishing/dive-bombing with red-breasted mergansers.
Ring-billed Gull X - carpark.
Herring Gull X - carpark.
Great Black-backed Gull X
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Sunday, 11 December 2011
Pleasure Bay, South Boston, Suffolk, MA, USA, 11-Dec-2011
11:30 AM - 1:05 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: With Kim for a nice walk along the 'pier' to Castle Island & back.
Weather: bright, sunny, cold.
16 species
Common Eider X
White-winged Scoter X
Bufflehead X
Common Goldeneye X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Red-throated Diver X
Slavonian Grebe X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Ruddy Turnstone 12 on rocks along the path.
Purple Sandpiper 4 on rocks just after the turnstone.
Dunlin 8 also on the rocks.
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
European Starling X
House Sparrow X
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pleasure bay,
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Slocum's River Reserve, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, 25-Nov-2011
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Second part of post-Thanksgiving walk. The woods were very quiet, almost dead, with not even a feeding party moving through.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cold, windy (E).
11 species
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Bufflehead X
Turkey Vulture 1
Northern Harrier 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Red-winged Blackbird X - heard singing from undergrowth.
House Sparrow X
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Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Second part of post-Thanksgiving walk. The woods were very quiet, almost dead, with not even a feeding party moving through.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cold, windy (E).
11 species
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Bufflehead X
Turkey Vulture 1
Northern Harrier 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Red-winged Blackbird X - heard singing from undergrowth.
House Sparrow X
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slocum's river,
Gooseberry Neck, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, 25-Nov-2011
9:10 AM - 11:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out for another post-Thanksgiving walk. I walked the single trail then around the headland on the shore before re-joining the trail back. All ducks & loons out at sea, in small groups or larger rafts of up to 20.
Weather: Bright, sunny, windy (E).
20 species
Canada Goose 6 overhead.
Harlequin Duck 1 close-in, near to the rocks just off the car-park.
Greater Scaup 8
Common Eider 10
Surf Scoter 10
White-winged Scoter 10
Bufflehead 5
Red-throated Diver 6
Great Northern Diver 6
Horned/Slavonian Grebe 10
Northern Harrier 1
Grey Plover 2
Sanderling 10
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
SNOWY OWL 1 flew up from the roadside as I drove across the spit to the car-park. Unmistakable large & white (indicating a male) with different wing shape to the gulls which soon mobbed it all the way to the main shore. It had disappeared, probably inland, by the time I stopped the car & got my 'scope out. After the walk we drove along to Horseneck Beach, to see if it could be re-located but no further sign there or anywhere along the way.
Palm Warbler 1 flew low from the shrubs onto the path where it bobbed its tail. It then flew back to a shrub showing its yellow undertail coverts. It looked like a Western-type from the rest of its dull plumage.
Double-crested Cormorant 4 on rocks off headland.
Song Sparrow 1 on ground in bushes near to car-park on the way out.
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Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out for another post-Thanksgiving walk. I walked the single trail then around the headland on the shore before re-joining the trail back. All ducks & loons out at sea, in small groups or larger rafts of up to 20.
Weather: Bright, sunny, windy (E).
20 species
Canada Goose 6 overhead.
Harlequin Duck 1 close-in, near to the rocks just off the car-park.
Greater Scaup 8
Common Eider 10
Surf Scoter 10
White-winged Scoter 10
Bufflehead 5
Red-throated Diver 6
Great Northern Diver 6
Horned/Slavonian Grebe 10
Northern Harrier 1
Grey Plover 2
Sanderling 10
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
SNOWY OWL 1 flew up from the roadside as I drove across the spit to the car-park. Unmistakable large & white (indicating a male) with different wing shape to the gulls which soon mobbed it all the way to the main shore. It had disappeared, probably inland, by the time I stopped the car & got my 'scope out. After the walk we drove along to Horseneck Beach, to see if it could be re-located but no further sign there or anywhere along the way.
Palm Warbler 1 flew low from the shrubs onto the path where it bobbed its tail. It then flew back to a shrub showing its yellow undertail coverts. It looked like a Western-type from the rest of its dull plumage.
Double-crested Cormorant 4 on rocks off headland.
Song Sparrow 1 on ground in bushes near to car-park on the way out.
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gooseberry island,
new species,
Friday, 25 November 2011
Smith Neck Road & Area, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA, 24-Nov-2011
2:50 PM - 4:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Post-Thanksgiving walk around local area, including later walk down to the shore at Apponagansett Bay.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cold, no breeze.
21 species
Canada Goose 100, all day in the field opposite the house.
Wild Turkey 12, earlier in the day, through the yard then back again into the woods.
Bufflehead X
Great Northern Diver X
Turkey Vulture X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Mourning Dove 30, feeding in the fields amongst the geese & in the trees next to the field.
Belted Kingfisher, 1 on small jetty on the bay. It sat for quite a while.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, 1 in trees in other next door yard.
Downy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow 2
Carolina Wren X - heard.
American Robin 6
Northern Mockingbird, 1 in bush on roadside as I walked to the shore.
Dark-eyed Junco, 4 in the low side bushes adjoining the other next door yard.
White-throated Sparrow, 4 in the low side bushes adjoining the other next door yard.
Starling X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle 6
House Sparrow X
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Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Post-Thanksgiving walk around local area, including later walk down to the shore at Apponagansett Bay.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cold, no breeze.
21 species
Canada Goose 100, all day in the field opposite the house.
Wild Turkey 12, earlier in the day, through the yard then back again into the woods.
Bufflehead X
Great Northern Diver X
Turkey Vulture X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Mourning Dove 30, feeding in the fields amongst the geese & in the trees next to the field.
Belted Kingfisher, 1 on small jetty on the bay. It sat for quite a while.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, 1 in trees in other next door yard.
Downy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow 2
Carolina Wren X - heard.
American Robin 6
Northern Mockingbird, 1 in bush on roadside as I walked to the shore.
Dark-eyed Junco, 4 in the low side bushes adjoining the other next door yard.
White-throated Sparrow, 4 in the low side bushes adjoining the other next door yard.
Starling X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle 6
House Sparrow X
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park and garden,
smith neck road,
Sunday, 20 November 2011
South End Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA, 19-Nov-2011
12:00 PM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Leaving carpark to enter temporary accommodation on Worcester St.
2 species
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, 1 overhead, low, spooking the cardinal. Small size, rounded wings. Life tick.
Northern Cardinal, 1 chipping alarm note.
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Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Leaving carpark to enter temporary accommodation on Worcester St.
2 species
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, 1 overhead, low, spooking the cardinal. Small size, rounded wings. Life tick.
Northern Cardinal, 1 chipping alarm note.
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Monday, 14 November 2011
Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA, 13-Nov-2011
11:20 AM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: First post-emigration outing to an established location. Thought I'd check this place out before Spring when it's at its peak, & was shown around by a friendly lady who noticed I was birding.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cool.
14 species
Red-tailed Hawk, 2 soaring overhead.
Herring Gull, 1 over.
Mourning Dove X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
GREAT HORNED OWL, 2 in trees in the Dell to which I was taken by my newly-acquainted guide. One of the young birds was soon picked up in a tall oak. Its sibling was more difficult to find in another tree but I managed to find it after I was left alone to wander round the area. Life-tick.

Downy Woodpecker, 1 in tree next to Auburn Pond feeders.
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
American Robin X - several around Halcyon Lake.
Dark-eyed Junco X
White-throated Sparrow, 10 seen in total; an initial couple were spotted as I headed along Indian Path on the way down to the Dell, but several more seen on the way back.
Northern Cardinal X
American Goldfinch 6, amongst the pines in the Dell.
House Sparrow X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
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Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: First post-emigration outing to an established location. Thought I'd check this place out before Spring when it's at its peak, & was shown around by a friendly lady who noticed I was birding.
Weather: Bright, sunny, cool.
14 species
Red-tailed Hawk, 2 soaring overhead.
Herring Gull, 1 over.
Mourning Dove X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
GREAT HORNED OWL, 2 in trees in the Dell to which I was taken by my newly-acquainted guide. One of the young birds was soon picked up in a tall oak. Its sibling was more difficult to find in another tree but I managed to find it after I was left alone to wander round the area. Life-tick.

Downy Woodpecker, 1 in tree next to Auburn Pond feeders.
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
American Robin X - several around Halcyon Lake.
Dark-eyed Junco X
White-throated Sparrow, 10 seen in total; an initial couple were spotted as I headed along Indian Path on the way down to the Dell, but several more seen on the way back.
Northern Cardinal X
American Goldfinch 6, amongst the pines in the Dell.
House Sparrow X - on Auburn Pond feeders.
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mount auburn cemetery,
new species,
park and garden,
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Darby Drive, Mansfield, Bristol, MA, USA, 23-Oct-2011
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Quick wander around sister & brother-in-laws yard during an afternoon watching football (soccer).
Weather: Bright, fairly sunny, chilly.
8 species
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Carolina Wren 1 in next door's yard.
Hermit Thrush 1 in side berry bushes & by fence in next door's yard.
American Robin X - side berry bushes.
Song Sparrow 1 in side of yard's leaf litter.
Common Grackle 40 in a sizeable flock moving noisily through the backyard tree-tops.
American Goldfinch 7 atop the front pine.
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darby drive,
park and garden,
Friday, 7 October 2011
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 7-Oct-2011
5:50 PM - 6:50 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: An evening walk around the resort; a modest effort that did not disappoint.
Weather: cloudy but very warm & humid; dusk.
12 species
White-cheeked Pintail 4 at the far-side of the resort on the other side of the fence on a small marsh. Red on bill with white cheek. A life-tick.
Pied-billed Grebe X
Great Egret X - all around the creek.
Green Heron 1 perched near side of creek.
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 over; large dark-coloured, as I neared my room. Landed under bridge then flew off.
American Kestrel 1 dashed over room buildings, east.
American Coot 1 showing smaller white area, dark tip to bill than Caribbean coot.
Mourning Dove X - several over.
Belted Kingfisher 1 over at 4:50pm as Kim & I walked for photos.
Grey Kingbird 1 atop building.
Greater Antillean Grackle X - many calling from roost in reeds near to main building.
Hispaniolan Oriole 2 in tree near to pool. A life-tick.
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dominican republic,
hard rock hotel,
punta cana,
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 6-Oct-2011
10:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Another day at the resort, this time I had a walk around some of the gardens.
9 species
Magnificent Frigatebird 6 along the shore, east.
Great Egret 1 in creek from room's balcony.
Green Heron 1 on rock in water near room.
American Kestrel 1 chasing sanderling over the sea before giving up. I wasn't sure what species it was until later I saw one perched on pole near to pool & bar.
Sanderling X
Antillean Palm-Swift X - a few over the creek as dusk gathered.
Grey Kingbird 2 , one singing overhead at quiet pool near to room, then a couple mated on a fence next to the creek. A life-tick.
Cave Swallow X - a couple east as dusk fell. A life-tick.
Greater Antillean Grackle X - between pools.
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dominican republic,
hard rock hotel,
punta cana,
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 5-Oct-2011
10:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Another day at the resort.
6 species
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 perched on fence in 'wildlife preserve'.
Whimbrel 4 along shore.
Sanderling X - shoreline.
Royal Tern X - over along the shore.
Burrowing Owl X - hooting call heard from 'wildlife preserve' area. 1-2-333, most likely a burrowing but I didn't see it.
Greater Antillean Grackle X - poolside.
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dominican republic,
hard rock hotel,
punta cana,
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 4-Oct-2011
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 4-Oct-2011
10:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Second day at the resort with Kim.
5 species
Magnificent Frigatebird 2 overhead towards dusk. Big & unmistakeable. An impressive life-stick!
Great Egret X
Common Moorhen X - around the resort's waterways, some with chicks. Not a gallinule. Raffaele states common in West Indies.
Sanderling 15 approx., on the beach, running from waves as usual.
Royal Tern 1 over along the shore. Another life-tick.
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10:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Second day at the resort with Kim.
5 species
Magnificent Frigatebird 2 overhead towards dusk. Big & unmistakeable. An impressive life-stick!
Great Egret X
Common Moorhen X - around the resort's waterways, some with chicks. Not a gallinule. Raffaele states common in West Indies.
Sanderling 15 approx., on the beach, running from waves as usual.
Royal Tern 1 over along the shore. Another life-tick.
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dominican republic,
hard rock hotel,
punta cana,
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Rainham Marshes RSPB Reserve, Havering, UK, 7-Sep-2011
1:45 PM - 4:05 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: A final pre-emigration visit to a productive place close by my London home. On the trip home the satnav took me the wrong way via the centre of London past the Houses of Parliament! It wasn't a particularly productive visit either.
Weather: overcast, windy (W), cool.
34 species
Mute Swan X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Eurasian Teal X
Common Pochard 2 males.
Tufted Duck X
Common Pheasant X
Little Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Grey Heron X
Little Egret X
Common Kestrel X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
Green Sandpiper 1 from Ken Barratt hide.
Black-tailed Godwit X
Black-headed Gull X
Herring Gull 2 over.
Lesser Black-backed Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull 1 immature over.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Collared-Dove 6
Common Magpie 2
Carrion Crow X
Sand Martin X
Common House-Martin X
Great Tit 5 approx., together.
European Starling X
Meadow Pipit X
European Greenfinch X
European Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
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Sunday, 4 September 2011
Titchwell Marsh RSPB Nature Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 4-Sep-2011
8:10 AM - 12:15 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Another lengthy outing & some good time spent seawatching.
Weather: bright but cloud increasing from the west; cool.
65 species (+1 other taxa)
Greylag Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Eurasian Teal X
Common Scoter X
Long-tailed Duck 1 female on the sea.
Diver sp. 1 flying at sea. Most likely a red-necked.
Great Crested Grebe X
Northern Gannet 6 + distantly at sea.
Great Cormorant X
Little Egret X - on Thornham Marsh.
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 1 male.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
Grey Plover X
European Golden-Plover X
Common Ringed Plover X
Eurasian Oystercatcher 20 +
Pied Avocet X
Spotted Redshank 5 from the Parrinder Hide, with red lower mandible.
Common Greenshank X
Common Redshank X
Eurasian Curlew X
Black-tailed Godwit X
Bar-tailed Godwit 10 approx. flying west.
Ruddy Turnstone X - on saltmarsh.
Sanderling X
Dunlin X
Curlew Sandpiper 4 from Island Hide including one right in front of the hide; later 3 or 4 from the Parrinder Hide.
Common Snipe 1 up from the saltmarsh with a squawk!
Black-headed Gull X
Mediterranean Gull 1 from Parrinder Hide. An excellent spot swimming amongst black-headed my another birder in the hide.
Common Gull X
Herring Gull 2
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Great Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern X - 2 to 6 at rest on the beach with sandwiches & oystercatchers.
Sandwich Tern X - from the beach.
Arctic Skua 3 at sea mobbing other gulls & terns. Dark with a direct swift flight, sometimes they came quite close (for the scope). Life-tick.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Collared-Dove 2
Great Spotted Woodpecker X
Bearded Tit X - heard.
Barn Swallow 6 + along the beach.
Common House-Martin X - over the car-park as I ate my sandwich after the walk.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X - feeding party.
Eurasian Wren X - heard.
Cetti's Warbler X - heard.
Common Chiffchaff X
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
European Starling X
Dunnock X
Western Yellow Wagtail 2 on saltmarsh, close to the path; one apparently a female & the other a juvenile. Yellow under, pale head & supercilum & one very pale all over.
Pied Wagtail 2 juveniles.
Meadow Pipit 120 in total, first c20 over inland, then c100 up from bank by the Parrinder; a nice bit of 'vis-migging'.
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch X
European Goldfinch X
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Monday, 15 August 2011
Titchwell Marsh RSPB Nature Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 15-Aug-2011
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Nice half-day & a nice relaxed search around the reserve.
Weather: bright & sunny, wind (W).
55 species
Greylag Goose X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall 2 , a pair.
Mallard X
Common Pochard 1
Common Pheasant 2
Great Crested Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Grey Heron X
Little Egret X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 2 , one juvenile initially, then a male later over the freshmarsh.
Common Kestrel 1 out over the beach.
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing 20 + from Island Hide.
Grey Plover 1 on the beach.
Common Ringed Plover 6 approx.
Eurasian Oystercatcher 2
Pied Avocet X
Spotted Redshank 1 on freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide.
Common Redshank X
Eurasian Curlew X
Black-tailed Godwit X
Bar-tailed Godwit 6 approx. on the beach.
Ruddy Turnstone 5 approx. on the beach.
Red Knot 50 to 30 on the beach.
Dunlin X
Curlew Sandpiper 3 on freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide.
Ruff 12 + from the Island Hide.
Common Snipe 1
Black-headed Gull X
Common Gull X
Herring Gull X
Common Tern X
Sandwich Tern X
Common Guillemot 1 spotted from the viewpoint on the beach out towards Thornham Harbour. I walked out along the beach to confirm the identity & get views as it was close-in to the shore. An unexpected site-tick for Titchwell.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Collared-Dove X - on the feeders.
Carrion Crow X
Bearded Tit X - heard.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Wren X
Common Chiffchaff X - heard.
European Starling 2
Pied Wagtail 6 approx.
Meadow Pipit X
Reed Bunting X
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch X
European Goldfinch X
Common Linnet X
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Sunday, 31 July 2011
Titchwell Marsh RSPB Nature Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 31-Jul-2011
12:25 PM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: With Kim, mum, Emma & the boys, mainly for the beach.
Weather: bright, sunny, t-shirt weather.
37 species
Greylag Goose X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck 3 including 2 juveniles.
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Great Crested Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Grey Heron X
Little Egret X
Eurasian Spoonbill 1 flew over from Thornham Marshes & headed right over the reserve & up the coast. First in a long time at Titchwell.
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 3 - one early on, then later two flew out over the beach.
Common Kestrel 1 over freshmarsh.
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
European Golden-Plover X - a small flock flew in onto the freshwater marshes as we walked back to the car.
Eurasian Oystercatcher 5 approx. on the beach.
Pied Avocet X
Eurasian Curlew 6 approx. on the beach.
Black-tailed Godwit X
Ruddy Turnstone 1
Sanderling 6 +
Ruff 4 approx.
Black-headed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Lesser Black-backed Gull X
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Magpie X
Barn Swallow X - over.
Great Tit X
Eurasian Reed-Warbler 3 - 1 adult feeding 2 juveniles.
Pied Wagtail X
Reed Bunting 2 , a pair.
Common Chaffinch 1 female on feeders.
European Greenfinch X - over.
European Goldfinch X
Common Linnet X
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Sunday, 24 July 2011
Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 24-Jul-2011
2:20 PM - 3:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: Post-emigration visit to the soon-to-be-old patch with mum.
Weather: hot, bright & sunny, for a change.
11 species
Black-headed Gull X - big flock overhead.
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 on the field.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Great Spotted Woodpecker X
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Blackcap X
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
European Starling X
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 17-Jul-2011
3:35 PM - 4:55 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: Summer patch visit.
Weather: overcast, rainy, breeze (W). Cool, miserable, but some breaks in the cloud leading to some brightness.
19 species
Black-headed Gull 2 on UCL fields.
Herring Gull 1 over south.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Ring-necked Parakeet X - heard.
Common Swift X - distant.
Green Woodpecker 1 juvenile over.
Common Magpie 3 on UCL fields.
Carrion Crow X - including 5 together in some sort of display flight.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Eurasian Wren X - heard.
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
Song Thrush 4 singing loudly, & clearly visible in top half of tall pine. Later three chasing after each other.
European Starling X - approx, half a dozen, including two juveniles.
Dunnock X
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch 4 including juveniles.
European Goldfinch 2
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Sunday, 26 June 2011
NWT Roydon Common, Norfolk, UK, 26-Jun-2011
10:20 AM - 12:40 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out with Ben for a Sunday walk in what turned out to be nice warm day. We also looked for sun-bathing adders but had no luck.
Weather: cloudy at first but increasingly warm & sunny.
26 species
Common Buzzard 1
Common Kestrel X
Eurasian Hobby 1 seen swiftly flying away towards trees, with brown back, black tips; mobbed by swallow as it went.
Northern Lapwing 3
Eurasian Curlew X
Black-headed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Jay 2
Common Magpie 2
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X - heard.
Woodlark 1 heard in the car-park, & seen when when we returned to the car after our walk. I had heard these on a couple of visits before, nice to have a confirmed sighting.
Eurasian Wren X - heard.
Common Chiffchaff X - heard.
Blackcap X - heard.
Common Whitethroat X
Stonechat 1 male.
Mistle Thrush 3
Dunnock X - heard.
Meadow Pipit 1 in tree.
Yellowhammer X
Reed Bunting X
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch X
Common Linnet 2
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Saturday, 25 June 2011
NWT Roydon Common, Norfolk, UK, 25-Jun-2011
9:15 PM - 10:30 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Dusk-time visit to check for the return of a spectacular & enigmatic migrant, although the weather was not promising.
Weather: overcast, dusk, breeze (NE).
10 species
Red-legged Partridge X - heard distantly.
Grey Partridge X - persistent call from near agricultural fields.
Northern Lapwing X - heard on returning to the car.
Eurasian Oystercatcher X
Eurasian Curlew 3
Eurasian Woodcock 1 flew over the copse near the car-park.
Eurasian Nightjar X - heard - 10:02pm briefly, then 10:07, 10:12 & 10:27pm.
Carrion Crow 2 in tree.
Skylark X - heard.
Eurasian Blackbird X
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Undisclosed, Norfolk, UK, 25-Jun-2011
12:20 PM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Trying to pick-up pretty much my favourite bird for the year, unsuccessful this time but I did have a nice surprise anyway.
Weather: mild but overcast, breeze (NE).
18 species
Red-legged Partridge X - heard.
Common Quail X - heard from a distant field, then slightly closer at 1:08pm. Quite a surprise as I hadn't expected to hear one here. I assumed some were about in Norfolk but didn't know where, until now.
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 1
Common Buzzard X
Black-headed Gull X
Stock Dove 2
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X - heard.
Barn Swallow 4 +
Common Whitethroat X
Eurasian Blackbird X
Yellowhammer X
Reed Bunting 1
Common Chaffinch X - including two juveniles.
European Goldfinch X
Common Linnet X
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Sunday, 19 June 2011
RSPB Church Wood, Buckinghamshire, UK, 19-Jun-2011
10:10 AM - 11:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Visit to a new location for me.
Weather: bright, sunny, mixed clouds; mild but not warm.
25 species
Red-legged Partridge X - heard.
Common Pheasant X
Red Kite 2 overhead.
Common Moorhen X
Lesser Black-backed Gull 10 over.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Great Spotted Woodpecker X - heard.
Green Woodpecker 1 call heard from across meadow.
Eurasian Jay X - heard.
Carrion Crow X - in meadow.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X - including many juveniles.
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Nuthatch X - including juvenile calling loudly.
Eurasian Wren X - including on an open 5m high branch.
Goldcrest X - including an adult feeding a juvenile.
Common Chiffchaff 3
Blackcap 4 approx., including juveniles.
Garden Warbler X - possible, heard.
European Robin X - including juveniles.
Eurasian Blackbird X - including one female with nesting material.
Song Thrush 2 - one juvenile, later one signing.
Dunnock X - heard.
Common Chaffinch 1
European Goldfinch 3 over.
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church wood,
Monday, 30 May 2011
Titchwell Marsh RSPB Nature Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 30-May-2011
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out with Kim & Ben for the usual stroll around Titchwell.
Weather: cloudy, drizzle, increasingly heavy rain, which eventually brought our day to a premature conclusion!
40 species
Greylag Goose X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Northern Pintail 4
Common Pochard X
Great Bittern 1 at 12:45pm as we walked the path, it flew low out over the Freshwater marsh near to the island hide & back into the reedbeds. Before we started out Ben had stated that he always saw bitterns & he is evidently very lucky as he has seen a couple at Titchwell now!
Grey Heron 4 flying over wildfowl marshes.
Little Egret X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Eurasian Oystercatcher X
Pied Avocet X
Wood Sandpiper 1 near to the island hide.
Common Redshank X
Red Knot X
Black-headed Gull X
Herring Gull 50 +
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Barn Swallow X
Common House-Martin X
Great Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Wren X - heard.
Cetti's Warbler X - heard.
Sedge Warbler X
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X
Blackcap X - heard.
European Robin X
European Starling X
Pied Wagtail X
Meadow Pipit X
Common Chaffinch X
Common Linnet 2
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Sunday, 29 May 2011
Weeting Heath NNR, Norfolk, UK, 29-May-2011
9:40 AM - 11:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Continuing my early morning out in Breckland with a visit to a location near to Lakenheath.
Weather: cloudy but bright, windy (SW).
25 species
Stone-curlew 5 in total; at 10:15am one chased gulls & rooks then it flew to the fence (to the right from the hide); at 10:25am three chased each other left from the fence. Later, on the other side of the road, I spotted an adult with a juvenile, which it was feeding, in distant a part of the heath, after I had been looking at a roe deer out in the open.
Northern Lapwing X - on the bare heathland.
Lesser Black-backed Gull X - on the bare heathland.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Green Woodpecker 1 distantly across the heath, on the other side of the road.
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Rook X - on the bare heathland.
Skylark X - heard.
Marsh Tit 4 apparently - 1 adult, 3 juveniles. They were in low shrubs at the side of the path to the East hide allowing some nice views before they moved off.
Coal Tit 6 + in a family group.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Eurasian Wren X
Willow Warbler 1 heard distantly from the other side of the road.
Common Chiffchaff X
Blackcap X - heard.
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X - heard.
Mistle Thrush X - heard.
European Starling X
Dunnock X
Pied Wagtail 1
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch X
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Lakenheath Fen RSPB Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 29-May-2011
5:00 AM - 9:20 AM
Protocol: Traveling
4.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out as close to the dawn chorus as I could muster, hoping for as many of the wonderful species that reside at Lakenheath as possible, & I was not disappointed.
Weather: Overcast, blustery (SW).
50 species
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Gadwall 1
Eurasian Wigeon 1 male on the reservoir.
Garganey 2 , a pair out of the water on the mud on the side of the reservoir. They settled down with heads tucked in but not before I got nice views & was able to point them out to a tour-lead group.
Tufted Duck 3 over.
Common Pheasant X
Little Grebe X
Great Crested Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Great Bittern 3 flying around over the New Fen marshes. They were out in the open for a remarkably long time & went quite high up the air in some sort of display or dispute flight at times it resembled a dog-fight. Strange behaviour to observe in a normally secretive species but not completely unheard of apparently. A nearby chatty RSPB guide commented that he had seen it happen a few times, presumably as they establish territories & compete for mates. It was just after observing the bitterns that the golden oriole popped out on its branch causing quite a bit of excitement.
Grey Heron X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 1
Common Kestrel X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Black-headed Gull X
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 over.
Common Tern 1 only, on the reservoir.
Stock Dove 1 over.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Cuckoo 2 heard at first from the car-park. Later a couple were flying around near the poplar copses & one obligingly perched at the top of a tree by the side of the path allowing excellent views & some good photos as I waited, with others, for a golden oriole.
Barn Owl 1 hunting over the marshes.
Common Swift 8 approx.
Great Spotted Woodpecker X
Green Woodpecker X
Eurasian Golden Oriole 1 finally seen after the usual frustrating search amongst the dense poplars. At 5:30-5:45am I heard that sounded very close, but I didn't see it. At 8:15pm as I begun to make my way out I hung around with a large-ish group loitering on the path at the Trial Wood plantation trying to find one. All of a sudden there was a flurry of excitement as a wonderful bright male had come out into the open. A few, including me, ran to the spot where it could be seen & I got a great view for about 30 seconds as it briefly preened, & I even got a couple of record shots. It then flew back to the poplar canopy. Easily my best view of this bird, & always well worth the effort & patience required to find one.
Eurasian Jay X
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Rook X
Carrion Crow X
Bearded Tit 1 male, perched close by on some phragmites allowing a good look at its neat bright plumage.
Sand Martin X
Common House-Martin X
Great Tit X - heard.
Eurasian Wren X - heard.
Common Chiffchaff X - heard.
Sedge Warbler X
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X
Blackcap X - heard.
Garden Warbler 1 heard - a nearby RSPB guide picked out the song from the more prevalent blackcap singing nearby.
Common Whitethroat X - heard.
Eurasian Blackbird X
Song Thrush X - heard.
Mistle Thrush 1 over, carrying food.
Pied Wagtail 2 , adult & juvenile.
Reed Bunting 1 singing male.
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch X
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Saturday, 28 May 2011
Cley Marshes, Norfolk, UK, 28-May-2011
4:20 PM - 5:15 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: A quick visit, whilst Kim & mum waited in the visitors centre, on returning from a coast drive.
Weather: overcast, windy (W), rain showers.
38 species
Greylag Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Common Pheasant X
Little Egret X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
Common Ringed Plover 6 +
Little Ringed Plover 3 approx.
Eurasian Oystercatcher X - over then 2 in field.
Pied Avocet X
Common Greenshank 1
Common Redshank X
Black-tailed Godwit X
Dunlin 6 +
Black-headed Gull X
Little Gull 3 juveniles & well worth the stop-off to view them, wading in the scrape & occasionally flying around as they fed.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X
Sand Martin X
Barn Swallow X
Common House-Martin X
Blue Tit X - one flew down to reeds where two sedge warblers briefly fought.
Sedge Warbler X
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X
European Starling X
Dunnock X
Pied Wagtail X
Reed Bunting X - heard.
European Goldfinch X
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Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: A quick visit, whilst Kim & mum waited in the visitors centre, on returning from a coast drive.
Weather: overcast, windy (W), rain showers.
38 species
Greylag Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Common Pheasant X
Little Egret X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
Common Ringed Plover 6 +
Little Ringed Plover 3 approx.
Eurasian Oystercatcher X - over then 2 in field.
Pied Avocet X
Common Greenshank 1
Common Redshank X
Black-tailed Godwit X
Dunlin 6 +
Black-headed Gull X
Little Gull 3 juveniles & well worth the stop-off to view them, wading in the scrape & occasionally flying around as they fed.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Swift X
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X
Sand Martin X
Barn Swallow X
Common House-Martin X
Blue Tit X - one flew down to reeds where two sedge warblers briefly fought.
Sedge Warbler X
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X
European Starling X
Dunnock X
Pied Wagtail X
Reed Bunting X - heard.
European Goldfinch X
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Sheringham Beach Front, Norfolk, UK, 28-May-2011
3:15 PM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Out for a drive up the coast with Kim, & a favourite stop-off point.
7 species
Northern Fulmar 2 along the coast at sea.
Great Cormorant X
Black-headed Gull X
Little Tern 1
Sandwich Tern 12 approx.
Common Swift X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
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Saturday, 21 May 2011
Wilstone Reservoir, Hertfordshire, UK, 21-May-2011
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: An evening return to the reservoir in the hope of seeing a good gathering of hobbys. I was disappointed with the raptors but saw an impressive gathering of swifts.
Weather: bright & sunny, breeze (W).
30 species
Greylag Goose X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Gadwall X
Eurasian Wigeon 1 male - a complete surprise (escapee?)!
Mallard X
Common Pochard X
Tufted Duck X
Great Crested Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Grey Heron X
Eurasian Hobby 1 amongst the swifts but not the congregation I was hoping for.
Eurasian Coot X
Lesser Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern X
Common Swift 100 + swirling above the reservoir.
Common Kingfisher 1
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Great Tit X
Eurasian Wren X
Common Chiffchaff X - heard.
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X - heard.
Blackcap X - heard.
Eurasian Blackbird X
Dunnock X - heard.
Reed Bunting X
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch X - heard.
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Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 21-May-2011
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: After the success of autumn migration I wanted to give the patch a go during 'Magic May'.
Weather: bright, sunny, some clouds, breeze (SW).
21 species (+1 other taxa)
Feral Pigeon 50 ugh.
Stock Dove 3 on the sports fields, two on their own, one with wood-pigeons. A nice confirmation of an earlier site-tick from a brief sighting.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Collared-Dove 1 over. Another site-tick! One I had been hoping to see, it took a surprisingly long time to finally record it.
Common Swift X
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Coal Tit X - heard.
Great Tit 2 including one juvenile.
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X - heard.
Eurasian Wren X
Goldcrest X - heard.
Blackcap 2 , a pair.
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
Song Thrush X
European Starling X - over.
Dunnock X
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch X
House Sparrow 1 female in central brambles.
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Wilstone Reservoir, Hertfordshire, UK, 8-May-2011
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out to try to get 'Magic May' off to a start. I headed to Wilstone hoping to see hobbys & whether anything else had turned up.
Weather: bright, sunny, some clouds, breezey (W); rain early in the morning.
49 species
Greylag Goose X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Gadwall X
Mallard X
Common Pochard X
Tufted Duck X
Common Pheasant X
Great Crested Grebe X
Great Cormorant X
Grey Heron X
Red Kite 1 drifted over.
Common Buzzard 1 being mobbed by crows over distant Starstops reservoir.
Eurasian Hobby 3 hawking over the reedbeds.
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Common Tern X
Stock Dove 2
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Cuckoo 1 heard from the carpark.
Common Swift 2 at first then a good movement of 20+ later in the day.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 heard.
Green Woodpecker 1 heard yaffling.
Common Magpie X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X - heard from agricultural fields.
Barn Swallow 2
Common House-Martin 1
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Wren X
Common Chiffchaff X - heard from the carpark.
Eurasian Reed-Warbler X - heard in the reeds around cemetery corner.
Blackcap X - heard from the carpark.
Common Whitethroat 1 singing overhead then into hedgerow.
Spotted Flycatcher 1 within trees at cemetery corner. Again I was tipped off it would be around, I heard its high-pitched, almost mammal-like, call before eventually connecting for a decent view. I soon moved on not wishing to disturb a potential nester.
European Robin X
Whinchat 1 seen on far hedgerow from reservoir. I left the reservoir's hide for a walk up the hill to the canal & was informed by another couple of birders that the whinchat was on a hedgerow in a field along the canal, in the opposite direction to which I normally walk. I took the path & soon connected with it & had a very nice view of it. It was not disturbed by the heavy machinery nearby which was working on the canal. A life-tick.
Eurasian Blackbird X
Song Thrush 2 , first heard, then seen around cemetery corner.
Western Yellow Wagtail 1 also on a fencepost near to the blue-headed.
Western Yellow Wagtail (Blue-headed) 1 on the same line of hedgerow as the whinchat but much more distant from the canal. However it was still fairly easy to pick up with its distinctive plumage & blue head - a first for me. It kept coming back to a fencepost within the thinned out hedge, right where the other birders said it would be (like the whinchat was too), but it seemed to take one last, longer flight which took it much further away.
Pied Wagtail X
Yellowhammer X - heard.
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch X
House Sparrow 2 , a pair collecting nesting material.
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Sunday, 1 May 2011
Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort, Krabi, Thailand, 1-May-2011
6:50 AM - 8:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Up & out early to have a proper look around the resort for birds rather than incidentally spotting them from the poolside.
Weather: overcast, hot & humid.
22 species (+1 other taxa)
Javan Pond-Heron X
White-breasted Waterhen 2
Common Sandpiper 2 again along the beach.
Spotted Dove 2
Peaceful Dove X
Black-bellied Malkoha 1 creeping up a tree just outside the room. Distinctive-looking with long tail, red-eye, pale head, bluish uppers, darker white-tipped tail.
Greater Coucal 2
swiftlet sp. X - several small, fast-flying individuals, one I picked out had a pale underbelly, but none allowed me to pin a definite identification.
Collared Kingfisher 4 on the side of a small off-shore island (Nak Amanda). Cobalt blue uppers including its head; white under with white neck ring. A life-tick.
Pied Kingfisher 1 in the mangroves on the resort, later in the day.
Indian Roller 1 atop a palm tree at the end of the resort. It was very nervous & soon flew off. I saw it, or another later from the beach.
Brown-capped Woodpecker (Sunda) 1 over, 'zee-zee' call & undulating flight.
Large-billed Crow X
Pacific Swallow X
Striated Swallow 1 amongst the swiftlets seen early on. It was distinctively larger & slower, with no red neck nape (unlike red-rumped).
Olive-winged Bulbul 1 with no obvious whiskers, churring call.
Common Tailorbird X
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Common Myna X
Olive-backed Sunbird X - frequent among the palms.
Oriental Pipit 1 on the garden between our room & the pool, seen later in the day after my initial walk. Long & lanky, walks on pale flesh/yellow legs - mini roadrunner - rufous upper, prominent supercilum, streaked head, lightly streaked chest, clean flanks & belly. A life-tick.
Tree Sparrow X
Nutmeg Mannikin 7 , initially 2 on a low shrub next to a path, then 5 later. Brown upper, streaked grey under, black face, with a bluish patch.
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park and garden,
sheraton krabi beach resort,
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort, Krabi, Thailand, 30-Apr-2011
10:45 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Another day lounging around at the resort, keeping an eye on the birds around the mangrove gardens.
Weather: hot, cloudy, sunny intervals.
16 species
Javan Pond-Heron X
Brahminy Kite 3 , possibly two males.
White-breasted Waterhen X
Spotted Dove X
Peaceful Dove X
Greater Coucal 2 seen after hearing a deep, almost gibbon-like sound, which I decided had to be made by these handsome birds as there was nothing else about. A life-tick!
Common Iora X
Large-billed Crow X
Pacific Swallow X
Red-whiskered Bulbul 2 apparently feeding on some fruit.
Common Tailorbird X
Asian Brown Flycatcher 2 probably of this species. Definitely a fly-catcher but difficult to pin down to species. The bird was 'long', i.e., primary projection almost to tail, big dark eye, pale eye ring; apparently dark bill & legs, darker edge to primaries otherwise plain buff/grey, plain & pale underside. I went for Asian Brown, Fulvous-Chester Jungle or non-breeding Red-Throated. There were apparently two, with one looking as though it was feeding the other (adult feeding a juvenile bird?). Both were active amongst a few trees before drifting out of the resort's gardens.
Oriental Magpie-Robin X
Common Myna X
Olive-backed Sunbird X
Tree Sparrow X
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park and garden,
sheraton krabi beach resort,
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Ko Phi Phi Don, Krabi, Thailand, 28-Apr-2011
8:30 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Out on a speedboat trip to Phi Phi Don after visiting a couple of other spots - the bay where The Beach was filmed followed by 'Monkey Beach'.
Weather: very hot & sunny.
4 species
Brahminy Kite 1 male over Maya beach.
Pied Imperial-Pigeon 1 (probable) flew away near the caves of Monkey Island; these caves had 'too many birds' in them for the speedboat to enter. The pigeon was large & unmistakeably black & white, but it was such a quick view I cannot be 100% certain.
Indian Roller 1 at Phi Phi Don Island.
Common Myna X
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Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Sheraton Krabi Beach Resort, Krabi, Thailand, 27-Apr-2011
9:40 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Kim & I lounging at the resort, first birds seen from the room balcony, later by the pool & along the beach.
Weather: sunny & very hot.
14 species
Brahminy Kite 2 , a pair, came in most evenings.
White-breasted Waterhen X
Common Sandpiper 2 along the shore when Kim & walked along the beach up to the next resort.
Whimbrel X - along the shore when Kim & walked along the beach up to the next resort.
Spotted Dove X
Peaceful Dove X - several around the resort, feeding on the grass between the trees.
Brown-capped Woodpecker (Sunda) X - a few in the trees of the mango swamp, calling & flying around, mostly in the early morning.
Pacific Swallow X - common throughout the stay, often flew over the pool to dip in for a drink or wash.
Streak-eared Bulbul X
Common Tailorbird X - several around the resort; very noisy little bird!
Oriental Magpie-Robin X
Common Myna X
Olive-backed Sunbird X
Tree Sparrow X
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park and garden,
sheraton krabi beach resort,
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Lumphini Park, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-Apr-2011
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Last morning in Bangkok so I set off for a proper bit of birding in a nearby hotspot. I took taxis there & back & had a nice long walk around most of the park, dodging the sometime enormous monitor lizards that were lounging around.
Weather: hot, humid, overcast but bright; one rain shower.
14 species
Little Egret X
Javan Pond-Heron 3 identified from chinese by red legs.
Spotted Dove X
Asian Palm-Swift X
Coppersmith Barbet 1 loudly calling just after I saw the shrike; it soon flew off foraging busily.
Brown Shrike 1 flitting around prominently amongst an area of well-spaced trees. It remained for a few minutes before flying away & I couldn't pick it up later on.
Large-billed Crow X - in quite large flocks, noisily bouncing around on the ground near to the maintenance buildings.
Streak-eared Bulbul X - several around, usually making some kind of noise.
Oriental Magpie-Robin X
Great Myna X
Common Myna X
Black-collared Starling X - several around the park for which it is well-known.
Asian Pied Starling X
Tree Sparrow X
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lumphini park,
park and garden,
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, Bangkok, Thailand, 24-Apr-2011
11:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Out around Bangkok on a boat-trip to the floating market & Chinatown. The boat took us along the Chao Phraya river & down canals to the market, then Kim & walked around the city & eventually ended up in Chinatown as dusk fell.
Weather: hot & humid.
11 species
Little Egret 1 in shallow water near houses.
Javan Pond-Heron 3 along the river.
Spotted Dove 1 juvenile on wires at market.
Asian Koel 1 heard at the floating market.
Asian Palm-Swift X - in palms along the river.
Indian Roller 1 possible - a dark bird with blue wings, which flew up onto a minaret as we came up a canal.
Barn Swallow X - about half dozen on wires above canal.
Oriental Magpie-Robin X - around grounds of reclining Buddha.
Great Myna X
Common Myna X
Tree Sparrow X
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11:00 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Out around Bangkok on a boat-trip to the floating market & Chinatown. The boat took us along the Chao Phraya river & down canals to the market, then Kim & walked around the city & eventually ended up in Chinatown as dusk fell.
Weather: hot & humid.
11 species
Little Egret 1 in shallow water near houses.
Javan Pond-Heron 3 along the river.
Spotted Dove 1 juvenile on wires at market.
Asian Koel 1 heard at the floating market.
Asian Palm-Swift X - in palms along the river.
Indian Roller 1 possible - a dark bird with blue wings, which flew up onto a minaret as we came up a canal.
Barn Swallow X - about half dozen on wires above canal.
Oriental Magpie-Robin X - around grounds of reclining Buddha.
Great Myna X
Common Myna X
Tree Sparrow X
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Sunday, 17 April 2011
Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 17-Apr-2011
9:40 AM - 11:25 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: Weather: bright, hazy sun, warm.
21 species
Great Cormorant 1 overhead, east. A site tick!
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Jay X
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Coal Tit 1 heard.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X - including one collecting nest material.
Eurasian Wren X
Goldcrest 1 heard.
Common Chiffchaff 3 with the first singing on the spire, later another pair possibly prospecting for a nest.
Blackcap 6 variously around, many singing.
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
Song Thrush 2 , one near flat central area before the UCL fields, one after singing near the path to the UCL fields.
Mistle Thrush 1 on spire, singing.
European Starling X - over.
Dunnock X
Common Chaffinch X - heard.
European Greenfinch X - heard.
House Sparrow 1
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Wanstead Flats Park, Redbridge, UK, 3-Apr-2011
11:20 AM - 12:40 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Another visit to this inner city site in the hope of seeing reported lesser spotted woodpecker - no joy. However another nice spring day with planty of activity: birds & birders.
Weather: bright & sunny; cool breeze (W).
22 species
Stock Dove 1 West to South Copse.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 female, then a couple in South Copse, then to a tree nest in West Copse.
Green Woodpecker X
Common Magpie 2 in Long Wood.
Eurasian Jackdaw 2 collecting nesting material, then 6+.
Carrion Crow 6 +
Skylark X - heard.
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit 2 in Long Wood.
Eurasian Wren X
Common Chiffchaff 1 heard, Long Wood.
Blackcap 1 male, Long Wood.
Northern Wheatear 1
Eurasian Blackbird X - Long Wood.
Mistle Thrush 1
European Starling 1 up from grass.
Dunnock X
Meadow Pipit X - heard.
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch 2 over.
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park and garden,
wanstead flats
Friday, 25 March 2011
Sachuest Point NWR, Newport, RI, USA, 25-Mar-2011
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Drive out to RI to a great place to visit in winter for a speciality duck.
Weather: bright & sunny, cold, breezy (SE).
27 species
Brent Goose 27 total; 4 then 23.
Greater Scaup 8 approx.
Common Eider 20 +
Harlequin Duck 11 great ducks, one of the main reasons to come, initially on the rocks, then 5 on the Ocean Path.
Surf Scoter 10
White-winged Scoter 6 approx.
Black Scoter 20 +
Bufflehead 3
Common Goldeneye X - pair.
Red-breasted Merganser 4
Great Northern Diver X - Ocean Path.
Slavonian Grebe X
Northern Gannet 2 out over the sea.
Great Cormorant 2
Northern Harrier 1 ringtail.
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Sanderling 30 approx., also on the rocks.
Purple Sandpiper 7 on the rocks near the harlequins.
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
American Crow X
Carolina Wren X
American Robin X
European Starling X
Song Sparrow 1 singing on bushes.
Rusty Blackbird 1 singing from a shrub; distinctive bubbling song. A life-tick.
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rhode island,
sachuest point,
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Smith Neck Road Creek & Backwoods, Bristol, MA, USA, 24-Mar-2011
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: A walk around the woods & some time spent in the gardens in the area.
Weather: cold, cloudy, snow showers, some brightness, breezy.
12 species
Canada Goose X
Herring Gull X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse 2
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Carolina Wren 1
Chipping Sparrow 1 with russet head, white throat.
Dark-eyed Junco 6 +
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X over.
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park and garden,
smith neck road,
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Apponagansett Beach & Bay inc. Knowles Beach & Marsh, Bristol, MA, USA, 20-Mar-2011
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: A walk around the bay with Kim including a walk through the salt-marsh.
Weather: bright, sunny; chilly, cold wind.
15 species
Canada Goose 6 approx., couple of flocks.
American Black Duck 6
Greater Scaup 2
Common Eider 2
Bufflehead 20 + in small groups.
Red-breasted Merganser 20 small groups.
Red-throated Diver 1
Great Northern Diver 1
Slavonian Grebe 1
Turkey Vulture 1 distantly.
Ring-billed Gull 7 around & about, on Apponagansett beach & Smith Neck Road.
Herring Gull 6
Great Black-backed Gull 1 off Apponagansett beach.
American Crow 2 over the water.
American Robin 1 in trees along the trail.
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Saturday, 12 March 2011
Lynford Arboretum, Norfolk, UK, 12-Mar-2011
10:15 AM - 12:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: A trip to try for hawfinch although I was leaving it late. No hawfinches in the end but as I returned I took some time to walk along a small creek off to the side of the main arboretum which took me past a small damp hollow where there was some great activity & I picked up some nice woodland species. Past the hollow I passed an area of large dense bushes where a gentleman birder informed me he'd often seen firecrest. Although I didn't see any there I probably saw one in the hollow. Overall the day was a lovely early spring day with the birdlife responding with signs of exuberance for the beginning of the breeding season.
Weather: bright, cloudy, chilly, still.
30 species
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Mallard X
Common Pheasant X
Common Kestrel X
Common Moorhen X
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 1 possible. Near a small creek to the side of the main arboretum, I heard drumming that sounded softer & more prolonged than great spotted woodpecker, but only heard it a couple times so couldn't nail it down. Further doubt was thrown on my thoughts after I spotted the GSW just afterwards, however this location is a good bet for LSW at this time of year.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 1 heard.
Eurasian Jay X
Eurasian Jackdaw X
Carrion Crow X
Marsh Tit 1
Coal Tit X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Nuthatch X
Eurasian Treecreeper 2
Eurasian Wren X
Goldcrest 2 seen flitting about, after initially hearing one singing.
Firecrest 1 maybe; flitting in & out from the low shrubs around a small water hole near to a creek just off the main arboretum area. I glimpsed a dark eye-stripe on a tiny bird but frustratingly it didn't show itself again to confirm the sighting for definite.
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
Redwing 1
Song Thrush 1
Dunnock X
Common Chaffinch X
Eurasian Siskin 1
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lynford arboretum,
park and garden,
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Titchwell Marsh RSPB Nature Reserve, Norfolk, UK, 27-Feb-2011
12:20 AM - 3:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: To finish Sian's Norfolk weekend a trip to a NW Norfolk birding mecca, with Kim also.
Weather: bright, sunny, cold; no wind.
61 species
Brent Goose X - over Thornham.
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Gadwall 2
Eurasian Wigeon X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Northern Pintail 5
Green-winged Teal X
Tufted Duck X
Common Eider X
Velvet Scoter 2 picked out their white wing panels from amongst the common scoters on the sea.
Common Scoter X
Common Goldeneye 1
Common Pheasant X
Little Grebe X
Great Crested Grebe X
Little Egret X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 1
Northern Harrier 1 ringtail spotted over the Thornham marshes by several birders who had been diligently searching for it near the new Parrinder Hide. This individual was a long-staying bird identified as an excellent candidate for a true North American harrier. It was certainly much bolder than British hen harriers I've seen & the finer points of its plumage had also been well discussed.
Common Kestrel X
Common Moorhen X
Eurasian Coot X
Northern Lapwing X
European Golden-Plover X
Common Ringed Plover X
Eurasian Oystercatcher X
Pied Avocet X
Spotted Redshank 2 in pool on Thornham marsh.
Common Redshank X
Eurasian Curlew X
Black-tailed Godwit X
Ruddy Turnstone X
Sanderling X
Dunlin X
Ruff 3
Common Snipe X
Black-headed Gull X
Common Gull X
Herring Gull X
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow 2
Skylark X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit X
Eurasian Wren X
European Robin X
Stonechat 2 flitting on the Thornham marshes.
Eurasian Blackbird X
European Starling X
Dunnock X
Meadow Pipit X
Snow Bunting 10 flitting along the dunes on the beach.
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch X
European Goldfinch X
Twite 20 feeding on the salt marshes in a nice group before taking flight. I picked up on them as we watched the stonechat, confirmed with the birders who had spotted the stonechat.
House Sparrow X
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Saturday, 26 February 2011
Hickling Broad, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
4:20 PM - 5:40 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Final stop with Sian for the raptor roost & hopefully cranes, another Sian had not seen before.
Weather: spits & spots, clear otherwise.
9 species
Pink-footed Goose X
Northern Shoveler 4 over.
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier X
Hen Harrier 1 male.
Common Crane 2 flew in, a satisfying end to a great day.
Coal Tit X
Great Tit X
Fieldfare 20 flew past & into some distant trees.
Common Chaffinch X
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Cley Marshes, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
Comments: Another quick stop with Sian for another reported species.
Weather: blustery, persistent rain.
7 species
Brent Goose X
Eurasian Wigeon X
Mallard X
Black-headed Gull X
Common Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Shore Lark 8 on the shingle shore, pointed out by a guide although a few people were apparently looking for them. Great views as they crept closer to us & a charismatic attractive little species that I last saw at Snettisham over 20 years ago, & a first for Sian.
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Burnham Overy Marshes & Dunes, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Another stop with Sian, hoping to see rough-legged buzzard which had been reported here recently. Ended up a nice walk with views to Scolt Head, & my first visit to this location.
22 species
Greylag Goose X
Brent Goose X
Mute Swan X
Common Shelduck X
Eurasian Wigeon X
Green-winged Teal X
Common Pochard X
Tufted Duck X
Little Egret X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 2
Northern Lapwing X
European Golden-Plover X
Eurasian Oystercatcher X
Eurasian Curlew X
Black-headed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Barn Owl 1 flew back & forth along the seawall in broad daylight affording great views, & a first for Sian. It remained out in the open as we returned to the car & is one of the best views I've had of this species.
Skylark X
Blue Tit X
European Starling X
Meadow Pipit X
Common Chaffinch X
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Titchwell Village, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
11:15 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: With Sian driving just past Titchwell Village.
3 species
Red-legged Partridge 4
Merlin 1 flew rapidly across the road & into a nearby field. Fortunately we were able to pull off the road & have a look at the bird as it perched on a tree. Unfortunately it flew off before I could get the 'scope setup but it's quickness & smallness made me think 'merlin' straightaway.
Stock Dove 2
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Thornham Harbour, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Another stop on the Norfolk road-trip, early enough to avoid the majority of the dog-walkers that blight this location.
Weather: overcast, cold, light showers, blustery. Got out quite bright.
26 species
Greylag Goose 12 over.
Common Shelduck X
Eurasian Wigeon X
Mallard X
Red-breasted Merganser 7
Common Pheasant X
Great Cormorant X
Northern Lapwing X
Grey Plover X
Common Ringed Plover X
Eurasian Oystercatcher X
Common Redshank X
Eurasian Curlew 75 approx - 50 to 100.
Bar-tailed Godwit X
Ruddy Turnstone X
Dunlin X
Black-headed Gull X
Mew Gull 20
Herring Gull X
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Skylark X
Meadow Pipit X - over.
Reed Bunting 4
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Old Hunstanton Cliffs, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
9:30 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Next stop, Hunstanton cliffs carpark.
1 species
Northern Fulmar 2
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Wolferton Triangle, Norfolk, UK, 26-Feb-2011
9:15 AM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Out for the day across Norfolk with Sian. First stop hoping for a local specialty.
1 species
Golden Pheasant 2 flew out onto the road, 1 after just turning off the A149 then another as we headed back onto it.
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Sunday, 20 February 2011
Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 20-Feb-2011
1:20 PM - 2:20 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Weather: cold, grey, light drizzle getting heavier.
17 species
Black-headed Gull 1 on Fortune Green dog-free area.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Great Spotted Woodpecker X - heard.
Common Magpie 2
Carrion Crow X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit 1
Long-tailed Tit 6
Eurasian Wren X
European Robin X - one later in fine fettle singing from holly tree.
Eurasian Blackbird X
Redwing 1 initially, 8 later, up to 15.
Song Thrush X
Dunnock 2
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch 10
European Goldfinch 2 in a tree, one waggled side-to-side in apparent courtship display.
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Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Weather: cold, grey, light drizzle getting heavier.
17 species
Black-headed Gull 1 on Fortune Green dog-free area.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Great Spotted Woodpecker X - heard.
Common Magpie 2
Carrion Crow X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit 1
Long-tailed Tit 6
Eurasian Wren X
European Robin X - one later in fine fettle singing from holly tree.
Eurasian Blackbird X
Redwing 1 initially, 8 later, up to 15.
Song Thrush X
Dunnock 2
Common Chaffinch X
European Greenfinch 10
European Goldfinch 2 in a tree, one waggled side-to-side in apparent courtship display.
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Platt's Lane, Finchley Road, Enfield, UK, 29-Jan-2011
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Out again to look for winter waxwings, a good winter for them by all accounts.
Weather: dull, grey & cold.
1 species
Bohemian Waxwing 20 back & forth to a berry tree on the junction from a tall tree behind. A couple of other birders were also there - they certainly were a draw!
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finchley road,
fortune green,
Monday, 24 January 2011
John Street, Holborn, Camden, UK, 24-Jan-2011
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out early doors before work looking for more waxwings reported in the area. I ended walking a few streets before looping around & heading back to the office.
Weather: dull, grey & cold.
1 species
Bohemian Waxwing 3 overhead, but none on the berry trees as reported despite there being plenty of berries left.
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Sunday, 9 January 2011
Hampstead Cemetery & UCL Sports Ground, Enfield, UK, 9-Jan-2011
12:40 PM - 1:40 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Weather: bright, sunny, cold, frosty.
20 species
Eurasian Sparrowhawk X
Black-headed Gull 1 on fields.
Common Gull 1 on fields.
Herring Gull 1 on fields.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Jay 1
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Coal Tit X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit 2
Eurasian Wren X
Goldcrest 1
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
European Starling 1
Bohemian Waxwing 15 over initially, signalled by their trilling call. Later another one flew over southwards, followed by another three over north-west. A great site-tick!
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch 1 over.
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Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Comments: Weather: bright, sunny, cold, frosty.
20 species
Eurasian Sparrowhawk X
Black-headed Gull 1 on fields.
Common Gull 1 on fields.
Herring Gull 1 on fields.
Common Wood-Pigeon X
Eurasian Jay 1
Common Magpie X
Carrion Crow X
Coal Tit X
Great Tit X
Blue Tit X
Long-tailed Tit 2
Eurasian Wren X
Goldcrest 1
European Robin X
Eurasian Blackbird X
European Starling 1
Bohemian Waxwing 15 over initially, signalled by their trilling call. Later another one flew over southwards, followed by another three over north-west. A great site-tick!
Common Chaffinch X
European Goldfinch 1 over.
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hampstead cemetery,
park and garden,
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Hickling Broad, Norfolk, UK, 2-Jan-2011
3:50 PM - 4:50 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out with Kim to see the winter raptor roost, also known for its cranes.
Weather: cold, cloudy, spots of rain; dusk.
5 species
Pink-footed Goose X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 20 approximately - all over the marshes from the viewpoint. Raptor watch-point living up to its billing.
Hen Harrier 2 across the fen. One ringtail & also a probable male but difficult to see for definite in the fading light.
Common Crane 20 flying into the fen in smallish flocks, some calling others quiet. Apparently a good afternoon for them, some others at the viewpoint mentioned that it's not unusual to see none!
Barn Owl 2 seen, one distant over the marshes, one closer from the viewpoint.
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Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Comments: Out with Kim to see the winter raptor roost, also known for its cranes.
Weather: cold, cloudy, spots of rain; dusk.
5 species
Pink-footed Goose X
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 20 approximately - all over the marshes from the viewpoint. Raptor watch-point living up to its billing.
Hen Harrier 2 across the fen. One ringtail & also a probable male but difficult to see for definite in the fading light.
Common Crane 20 flying into the fen in smallish flocks, some calling others quiet. Apparently a good afternoon for them, some others at the viewpoint mentioned that it's not unusual to see none!
Barn Owl 2 seen, one distant over the marshes, one closer from the viewpoint.
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Docking, Norfolk, UK, 2-Jan-2011
12:30 PM
Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Driving to The Broads with Kim.
1 species
Bohemian Waxwing 12 along the road, which then flew into various back gardens before flying away.
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Protocol: Incidental
Comments: Driving to The Broads with Kim.
1 species
Bohemian Waxwing 12 along the road, which then flew into various back gardens before flying away.
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