Sunday, 9 August 1992

Tentsmuir Forest and Beach, Fife, Scotland, 09/08/1992


Majority of birds seen whilst walking along beach with large numbers out on the open sea: Redshank, Common Scoter (large numbers in 'rafts' at sea with other birds).
Gannet (young brown/grey birds at sea with an occasional adult plumaged bird).
Sandwich Tern (winter plumaged birds), Red Breasted Merganser (large numbers near to scoter rafts - all appeared to be female plumaged).
Oystercatcher, Great Crested Grebe (near scoters).

Large brown sea-gull birds seen at sea but the birds were too dark to be juvenile seagulls, therefore Great Skuas. After reference and observation of heavy-winged flight, but hawk-winged speed and aggression when mobbing gulls for food, the conclusion was justified. About 6 birds seen during the day.

After watching Common Scoters at sea one bird showed white eye and wing tip markings identified Velvet Scoter.
Knot (4 or 5) individual birds on sand-bank allowing easy identification.
Guillemot (single bird amongst Scoters in winter plumage).
Great Black-Backed Gull, Herring Gull, Curlew, Common Tern (amongst Sandwich Terns on sand-bank).
Cormorant (single bird flying at sea).
Birds seen in forest: Goldcrest, Coal Tit.

Also seen on the beach were large numbers of Grey Seals. At first seen hauled out on beach, about 20 or 30 animals were scared into the water by walkers but still allowed close views with naked eye and binoculars and telescopes.

18 species including 1 new species.